Padraig Inc. / Executive Coach in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Padraig Inc. helps organizations develop managers and leaders who can steer the organization towards success and growth. Whether you want to create smart leaders for your organization or want to develop the skill of people reporting to you, Padraig Inc. can help you. You can also join us to enhance your own leadership skills. Through coaching and training, we develop leaders who are talented, confident, and skilled. We take immense pride in our team of leadership and executive coaches. All our coaches have earned a graduate degree in Executive Coaching and are certified by the international coach federation. We are a small-town business with a big city network. We combine the personalized one-on-one assistance approach and extensive connections and clients worldwide. Our services include leadership and executive coaching, live leadership courses (in-house and publicly), peer group leadership programs, and self-paced leadership courses for more details about our products and services, visit our site at &

Address: 112 Market Avenue, Suite 300, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 0P4


Career Acceleration Coaching And Leadership Development Executive Coach Organizational Leadership Development Personal Leadership Development Training Programs
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