Leigh Gauthier / Executive Coach in Toronto, Ontario

With People Development, Learning/HR, and Consulting roles spanning national, multinational, and global organizations such as Accenture, the Ken Blanchard Companies and The Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, I have had the privilege to work with some of the world's best and brightest talent.

I've conducted over 1000 individual coaching sessions and have designed and/or delivered hundreds of workshops/facilitated events during my career. I am a Certified Coach (CPCC), and professionally trained facilitator certified in administering and interpreting the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Reach 360 Personal Branding assessment.

In addition to coaching executives and leaders on becoming more effective at managementworks, I connect cool people to cool jobs across the planet while helping them with all-things-career related at Coach Leigh.


Assessments Career Acceleration Coaching And Leadership Development Communication Developing Executive Presence Enhancing New Role Transition Executive Coach Facilitation Fulfillment Coaching Group Coaching ICF Certified Leadership Leadership Assessments Managerial Effectiveness MBTI And Eqi2.0 Certified PCC Performance Management Strengths-based Assessment Talent Development Team Coaching Team Effectiveness Team Engagement
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