I work with people across the whole country who have been thrust into leadership positions. You might be a new manager. You might be someone who had a passion for a cause and you stepped up. You might be someone who got roped into a leadership role because there was no one else. But you are definitely looking around and saying, “What have I gotten myself into?!?!” I can help you learn to embrace your leadership and step into the spotlight with confidence without losing who you are at your core. Confidence starts with knowing who you truly are and what matters to you. Let me help you discover a freedom to create a style of leadership that is an extension of who you are and what you value… so that you can live your life in full color.
I have a bunch of letters after my name: I am an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), a Certified Professional Co-active Coach (CPCC) from The Coaches Training Institute (CTI), and I have a B.A. in Economics from Yale. Prior to coaching, I spent over 20 years as an Executive Producer in multimedia, leading teams to create educational software that accompanied textbooks. I worked with clients to create a shared vision for a project, and then lead and motivated large teams to reach that common goal. I mentored many successful new leaders in my company.
I'm also active in community theater, having run my group as President, and I direct shows (some performing as well). In particular, directing combines my experience with project management, leading a team to a shared vision, and my passion for theater with the desire to coach and serve by bringing forth performances that both exceed the actors’ expectations and move audiences. I LOVE working with creative people!... See More
Highlights: Career Development, Resumes, Career Transition, Core Values, Workshops, Interview Prep, ICF Certified Coach, Professional Certified Coach, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, 1) Early In Career 2) Emotional Intelligence 3) Strengths 4) Wor, Mentoring, Executive Coach, Career Management, Negotiations, Finding Your Purpose, Executive Coaching, Leadership Development, Professional Coach, Career Coaching, Life Coaching