I provide one on one coaching to individuals who are in transition, whether that transition is related to a project, work assignment, major or minor life change, or an unexpected challenge. I also am certified by the International Coaches Federation (ICF), certified to administer and debrief the Hogan Personality Assessment, 360 degree feedback, and The Marcus Buckingham Companies (TMBC) Standout assessment. With over 20 years in organizational development, corporate training, and leadership development, I am ready and able to help you transition into your ideal self.... See More
Highlights: Workshops, Professional Coach, Life Coaching, Leadership Training, Executive Life Coaching, Executive Coaching, 1:1 Coaching, Strengths Strategy Coach, Life Purpose, Facilitation, Emotional Intelligence Assessments And Coaching, Encouragement And Motivational Coaching, Seminars, MBTI, Trainings, Strengths Coaching, Coaching, Management Training And Development