Coach Jennifer / Life Coach in Gladstone, Missouri

National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Master Certified Health Coach and a Certified Mindfulness Coach.
Passionate desire to help people understand the collective impact of lifestyle choices on their body and life. From my extensive personal medical journey, I have developed much empathy and understanding of the challenges a wide variety of issues and diagnosis can cause. As such, I hope to encourage, empower and guide others positively along their journey to wellness and happiness so they can live their BEST Happy Life possible!!

I LOVE giving people HOPE in HOLISTIC HEALING! Empowering them to take control of their own bodies and health.
I assist clients in navigating a new/existing medical diagnosis. Providing scientific backed natural options so they can make a better decision for themselves. I also work with clients with lifestyle changes they choose to make so they can be lasting and successful using brain neuroplasticity.

I coach via phone, Facetime, Zoom or Skype.

I offer online classroom group coaching for adults (PRIME Time Health) and families (L.E.A.N. Start)

Individual and Group Coaching as well as Transformational Challenges.

Other areas of specialties:
-Gut Brain Axis and Gut Microbiome
-Mold Illness/CIRS
-Consulting on Navigating Medical diagnosis and research options
-Healthy weight loss/lifestyle change
Healthy Keto
-Food allergies - living well with
-Curing Eczema for good
-Clean living - using essential oils, water and air purifiers etc

Check out my booking site here


ACC Credential ADHD Anxiety & Stress Relief Compassion And Self-compassion Emotional Intelligence Food Grief Gut Brain Axis and Gut Microbiome, Transformation Retreats Habit Change Health Coaching Holistic Life Coaching Life Purpose Life Transitions Mindfulness Motivational Interviewing National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Certified Mind Nutrition & Health Organizing Personal Communication Style Inventory Recovery Recovery Coaching Stress Transformational Coach Transiton Wellness Workshops
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