Janice Long Coe, PCC / Life Coach in Gaithersburg, Maryland

With over 20 years as an executive in the government, as well as a business owner/executive of six small businesses, Janice has a breadth of knowledge and experience that she brings to each client, team, corporation or federal agency. She has trained and coached both virtually and in-person all over the U.S. and the world. "By far, the best experience I've had in my training experiences was working with Janice" and "I've had coaches before but never one that guided me toward my personal and professional goals like Coach Coe."

Janice's keen sense of business, policy and communication makes her the ideal Coach for Executives, teams, corporations and individuals. Her communication classes, workshops on transitioning to manager, active listening, difficult conversations, and so many more, make her the ideal choice for any organization of any size. She is the founder and Education Director for the Coach Certification Training Academy, an International Coaching Federation approved provider for coach education, certification and ICF credentialing.

For executives, she's been there! She understands leading, managing and getting results. This experience coupled with ICF credential (since 2014) provides the basis of honesty and integrity in her coaching engagements her training classes and her ability to teach others to be great coaches at the Coach Certification Training Academy.

Janice believes that with the right coach and the right guidance - all things are possible!


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