Bev Martin is an expert at how your thinking supports your life and how specifically to change your mindset when you are ready for new results in your personal and professional life, including your health. Bev's expertise is in listening between the lines to understand you, how you have been and who you are becoming. She works with adults who are ready for a change and may be at a stage in life where being one's true creative, spiritual and successful self is a top priority. An immigrant from South Africa Bev has herself navigated significant life changes. She has worked as an executive trainer in the corporate world and owned and operated her successful training and coaching business for more than 20 years. She teaches fellow helping professionals in her NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) classes and sees success as doing well not only financially but also in the light of serving a greater purpose. Bev is currently writing a book about intuition. Bev helps her clients to get crystal clear now hat they are creating, to identify and move obstacles to your success and to feel supported, encouraged and skillfully supported to be the best of you as you take the steps to create exactly what you want.