Rajal Dhruva ACC, AAC / Life Coach in Austin, Texas

Rajal Dhruva is a certified Life Coach and a trained ADHD coach who helps her clients bring order to their minds and their lives. Rajal has been providing specialized life coaching since 2011 to entrepreneurs, professionals, students, parents and others who struggle with productivity, organization and focus. She takes her clients through a journey to identify their core strengths and values, establish their ideal starting point, define their destination and plan conscious steps to reach that point. This experience has empowered her clients to dramatically improve their self confidence, work performance, time and task management, relationships, communication skills, healthy work-life balance and win in their game of life. Rajal is a proud mother of three very diverse kids and enjoys creating unique art in her spare time. She is also very committed to her role on the Board of Directors for ACO (ADHD Coaches Organization), an international non-profit organization that provides the best resources for the ADHD Coaching profession and for anyone looking for an ADHD coach.
"Coaching is for winners. I coach, you win!" - Rajal Dhruva


ACC Credential ADHD Awareness And Action Bilingual English Communication Family Coaching Habit Change Life Coaching Life Purpose Life Transitions Parents Personal And Corporate Coach Students Teaching
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