Evan Kirstein, M. Ed, PCC / Life Coach in Atlanta, Georgia

With over 10 years of as an Executive / ADHD Coach, Presenter, and Corporate Facilitator, I have immersed myself in a passionate career of leadership and education. I serve professionals with ADHD to overcome their challenges and reach their full potential. My degrees stand for Professional Certified Coach by the ICF as well as Certified ADHD Coach Practitioner by the PAAC.

I am the founder and owner of Progressive Growth Coaching, a practice that specializes in leveraging a growth mindset and challenging the barriers of self-development.

As a certified professional coach and a public speaker, I work with clients from various industries and locations, co-creating qualitative and quantitative goals and taking action on their ambitions, motivations, and visions. I also have extensive experience in teaching, consulting, and program management, focusing on academic, psychological, and behavioral education. Having been diagnosed with ADHD myself, I have a rare perspective and a deep understanding of its many aspects and unique learning process. My mission is to enable and empower executives with ADHD to achieve growth and success in their personal and professional lives.


ACC Credential ADD ADHD Awareness And Action Behavior Management Business Business Development Consulting Communication Educational Consulting Emotional Intelligence Executive Coaching Hogan Assessment Certified Leaders Life Coaching Life Transitions Millennials In The Workplace Mindfulness Motivational Interviewing Nuerodiverse Organizing PCC Certification Personal And Corporate Coach Personal Communication Style Inventory Professional Transition Teaching Transformational Coach Transiton Wellness Workshops
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