Molly Fulghum / Relationship Coach in Ventura, California

My name is Molly Fulghum, and I believe a good coach focuses on the strengths of an individual to help people achieve what they want out of life. I help you identify and achieve your relationship goals to help you live a more fulfilling life by helping navigate toward a more engaged and compelling future. Either with the one you love, or in search of someone special. I practice in Ventura, Palm Springs, and Los Angeles, and surrounding areas to those towns in CA. I am available in person or over the phone via Skype, Zoom and FaceTime world wide.
Do you want to create positive changes to improve your intimate relationship/s?
Through relationship coaching, my goal is to help you maximize your personal potential through partnering in a thoughtful, mindful, and creative process.
What do I know about coaching?
I have a BA in Sociology and a Masters degree in Social Work with a focus on Health/Mental Health; both degrees are from The University of Washington. I have experience in personal counseling, facilitating support groups, drug counseling, domestic violence counseling, homeless counseling, diversity coaching/ for businesses and schools, divorce/seperation coaching, socioemotional counseling, strategic planning, fundraising, suicide assessment, and working with multidisciplinary teams. I’ve served as a Board of Trustee member, case manager, tenant and office manager, inventory manager, project manager, event planner, construction project manager, and personal assistant to a CEO. I hold a Washington State certificate as a domestic violence advocate, a certificate in Blood Born Pathogens for researchers, a HIPPA certification and a certificate in Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR).
What do I do and how do I do it?
I bring out the best in individuals through various methods. I start by having a simple conversation and then we go from there based on what I think will be most beneficial to unlock your potential. We will meet however often you need such as weekly or bi-weekly consultations via phone or in person.
A little bit about me:
I was born and raised in Seattle. I have 2 daughters, and I enjoy spending time with my dog. I’m well travelled both domestically and in foreign countries, but I’m looking forward to many more travels and adventures in life. Cooking is a passion and it’s even more fun if it’s for friends and family. My days are busy with research, family, friends and clients, and the occasional reality TV show (strictly research).


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