Ed Hunter / Career Coach in Wayne, Pennsylvania

I'm an experienced Executive and Career coach. I work with clients on change and growth in a variety of areas such as:

* Career change & career growth
* Job search, including resumes, interviewing, networking, recruiters, etc.
* Tackling a new job or new corporate challenge
* Building leadership skills
* Improving self-awareness
* Navigating difficult working relationships
* Managing work/life balance

I believe in coaching and training the whole person. I listen with my heart as well as my ears; strive to always be fully present and deeply attentive, and I help move my clients toward their goals with a high level of confidence and energy. I'm rational and realistic, but I believe you can accomplish your dreams... if you are willing to pay the price to get there.


1 Career Change ICF Certified Coach Job Search Strategies And Interview Coaching MBA PA Career Coach 2
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