Yvette Heryford / Career Coach in Yamhill, Oregon

I am a young adult development coach. Specializing in employment and career coaching. Partnering with young adults to help prepare them for the work force.

Initially spending valuable time in the self discovery stage. Who are they, what are their natural strengths as well as asking value based questions to help them go to the core of what is most important to them. They are introduced to the DISC assessment! Terrific tool that many young adults have never been exposed to. Powerful in helping them understand themselves as well as recognizing others personality structures and how to successfully interact with all types of people.

Our young adults are maturing slower than in past generations. I would like to help bridge the gap and help them mature into the next generation of leaders.

I offer one on one coaching in addition to workshops that equip this audience with an interactive day of self discovery and employment prep instruction.


Career Coaching Career Development Core Values DISC Human Behavioral Expert ICF Associate Certified Coach Leadership Development Leadership Training Mentoring Resumes
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