Melissa Fennell / Executive Coach in Rochester, Michigan

Evoke Potential specializes in transforming your smartest technical experts into highly influential leaders. We provide one-on-one leadership coaching for transformational change, conduct training workshops, working group sessions, and group coaching to develop outstanding leaders at all levels and build cohesive, high-performing teams, and offer powerful leadership assessments for greater self-awareness and insight into strengths, areas for development, preferences, and natural wiring.


360-degree Feedback Assessments AcuMax Index Assessments Building Relationships Change Style Indicator Coaching And Leadership Development Developing Leaders Emotional Intelligence EQi 2.0 Executive Coach Facilitation FIRO-B ICF Certified Leadership Leadership Assessments MBTI And Eqi2.0 Certified Organizational Development To Support The Leader's Goals For The PCC Performance Management Situational Leadership Stress Management Team Effectiveness Team Engagement TKI Training Programs
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