Fatima Doman / Executive Coach in Park City, Utah

Founder of Authentic Strengths Advantage, Bestselling Author and Executive Coach, Fatima Doman is passionate about coaching people to use their strengths for greater performance, resilience, engagement, and fulfillment. During 20+ years as a coach/speaker, Fatima has worked successfully with organizations and clients on every continent. Areas of expertise: emotional intelligence, work/life transitions, positive leadership, positive teams, and whole life balance; focusing on strengths to empower sustainable high performance. Her bestselling books, have been featured by the Huffington Post, Psychology Today, and on TV/Radio.


Appreciative Inquiry Initiatives Assessments Building Leadership Confidence Building Relationships Business Leaders Coach. Coach Training For Internal Coaching Programs Coaching And Leadership Development Culture Creation Emotional Intelligence Enhancing New Role Transition Executive Coach Executive Onboarding Executive Team Alignment Group Coaching ICF Certified Leadership Leadership Assessments Leadership Performance Mindfulness Resilience Programs Self-Compassion Social & Emotional Intelligence Speaking & Presentations Specialties: Women Leaders Strengths Development Strengths-based Assessment Talent Development Team Coaching Team Effectiveness Team Engagement Training Programs
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