Lisa Pasbjerg, is the founder and CEO of Focused Coaching, LLC and The Leadership Focus, both based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Her own professional experience spans over 20 years and includes leadership roles in both the for-profit and the not-for-profit sectors, including those both domestic and international in scope.
An accomplished and credentialed coach, she and her associates provide senior leaders, managers and "high potentials" with the executive coaching and leadership development services they need, as individuals and as organizations, to develop extraordinary performance through positive and powerful change.
Lisa did her graduate work at the University of Michigan and her coaching training through Mentor Coach. A credentialed PCC through the International Coach Federation for many years , she is also an active member of many professional organizations, on the Advisory Board for the American Red Cross, and has been nominated for WBE Role Model/Mentor of the Year for her exceptional encouragement, support and leadership with other women leaders.