Miranda Holder / Executive Coach in Thetford, Vermont

As a former D-I head rowing coach and trained (RYT200) yoga instructor, I bring a great deal of knowledge and experience with the body, nutrition and physical training in addition to my leadership and coaching experience. I work with individuals to support them in their journey to become their best selves. I believe we all have more power than we know and there is more possibility than we see. I specialize in leadership, communication and team dynamics. I am particularly fascinated by and love to support leaders who want to align their mission and values with the operational and cultural components of their business. I'm an intuitive, direct coach who is passionately committed to developing the whole leader (mind, body, emotions, spirit) in front of me.


ACC And Also Serve As Facilitators If Desired To Ensure A Favorable Building Confidence Building Relationships Certified In The Leadership Circle Profile Change Management Coaching And Leadership Development Conflict Management Developing Executive Presence Emotional Intelligence Executive Coach Facilitation Group Coaching Growth ICF Certified Leadership Mindfulness RYT200 Self-Compassion Social & Emotional Intelligence Speaking & Presentations Specialties: Women Leaders Strategic Planning Strengths Development Team Coaching Training Programs
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