Author, Speaker, Consultant and ICF Certified Coach since August of 2007, has been named a worldwide authority on leadership and human behavior by all major business and financial news organizations, and by popular media outlets such as Fortune, Oprah Magazine and Working Mother. Named a “Top 100 Leadership Coach” by Executive Excellence Magazine she is an engaging speaker and business talk show host on Voice America: Leadership Development News.
Her latest international best-selling book “Fearless Leaders: Sharpen Your Focus” (with TC North) features real life examples of success secrets from Special Operations Forces, Olympic and Sports Athletes, Humanitarians and Executives from across industries.
She presents keynotes, workshops, webinars and teleseminars to share many success secrets from the book Fearless Leaders™ and how to quickly gain these skills.
She has co-authored more than nine business books including “Global Leadership: The Next Generation” with Marshall Goldsmith. She also contributed to leadership titles such as ‘The Future of Leadership; Today’s Top Leadership Thinkers Speak to Tomorrow’s Leaders’, edited by Warren Bennis and ‘Leading Beyond Walls’, (The Drucker Foundation Series), edited by Goldsmith and Somerville. After serving as a partner in two of the world’s leading consulting firms, Computer Sciences Corporation and Accenture, Greenberg founded two new consultancies: h2c, LLC Happy Companies/Healthy People, sharing her proven strategies for “Happiness = profit”, and The Fearless Leaders Group, LLC.