Sharon Marcano / Business Coach in Miami, Florida

Como Coach de equipos de trabajo y Coach de negocios, tengo la conviccion de la capacidad de aprendizaje y empoderamiento del ser humano para alcanzar su maximo potencial en el logro de resultados de exito, para lo que ofrezco procesos de intervencion, entrenamiento, coaching y consultoria que ayudaran a las organizaciones a tener gente consciente y culturas sostenibles para el exito de resultados y rentabilidad del negocio.

As a Coach of Work Teams and Business Coach, I am convinced of the capacity for learning and the empowerment of the human being to reach their maximum potential in achieving successful results, for which I offer processes of intervention, training, coaching and consulting Which will help organizations to have people aware and cultures sustainable for the success of results and profitability of the business.


-Work Life Coaching 1:1 Coaching Alignment Alignment Work Business Coach Business Start Up Career Coaching Change Management Coaching Coaching For Professional Organizers Emotional Intelligence Assessments And Coaching Encouragement And Motivational Coaching Entrepreneur Coaching Executive Executive Coaching Executive Life Coaching Facilitation Group Coaching Leadership Training Life Coaching Life Purpose Management Training And Development On Line Training on Leadership and Communications Skills for Lea Productivity Professional Coach Seminars Small Business Consulting And Coaching Speaking Strategic Planning Supervision Coach Team Coaching Time Management Trainings Workshops
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