My forte is working with established and aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners who are ready to make their BIG dreams a reality.
The simple truth is that your behaviors stem from your thoughts. What you think has an irrefutable impact on almost everything in your life. It drives the things you do and don't do, inspires the things you say and don't say, and colors your feelings about the people and events that surround you. Clearly what you think is important. Surprisingly however, what you think is far less important to your ultimate success or failure than how you think.
Combining 25 years of work and study in psychology, communications, and neuroscience with a passion for growth through exploration, humor, and creativity, my approach to coaching will help you:
•Understand how you think - your biggest motivations, drivers, values, systems, and abilities.
•Get past the 'mental quicksand' that depletes your energy and stops you from reaching your goals.
•Figure out what truly lights you up and what stops you in your tracks.
•Define and refine you goals so that you are free to focus your energy on achieving the things that really matter to you.
•Create and implement action plans that make sense - more specifically, that work for you.