With over 17 years of HR experience at large organizations in the chemical and financial services industries, I am uniquely prepared to consult clients seeking greater career satisfaction, during career transition, and professionals desiring meaningful personal growth. As an HR Professional, I specialize in Talent Acquisition/Recruiting, Talent Management and Leadership Development to offer you top notch HR Consulting.
As a career coach and leadership coach, I use a combination of ontological coaching, relevant theory, and practical experience to support you in assessing your situation, creating YOUR plan – specific to you, and accessing resources available to execute your plan. I am also honored to be a Mentor Coach with Accomplishment Coaching mentoring and training new coaches.
I stand for your commitments and dreams while holding you accountable for generating results.... See More
Highlights: Executive Coaching, 1) Early In Career 2) Emotional Intelligence 3) Strengths 4) Wor, NY Career Coach, ICF Associate Certified Coach, Finding Your Purpose, Career, NJ Career Coach